Architechnologies and in partnership with Graphisoft Asia, supports the UAP District C1 ARCHTECHCON 2023.
Held last 23-26th of March 2023, the ARCHTECHCON 2023 took place in Robinsons Galleria Cebu.
Ar. Dennis Mayo, Architechnologies’ Technical Director, was one of the speaker showcasing Graphisoft’s Archicad with his talk, entitled BIM (Because It Matters).
Also, speakers for ARCHTECHCON are:
- Ar. Annie Cuizon with her talk about CPDO Online Locational Clearance System
- Ar. Rowell Shih – Integrating Energy Performance Analysis using Various Computational Analytical Tools
- Ar. Buddy Lim Ong and Mona Alcudia, Digital Fabrication: Human-Machine Collaboration
- Ar. Neil John Bersabe – Artificial Intelligence in Architecture
- Ar. Kristian Zhen Cruz, Digital Mapping and Analytics